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== Discount cards ==
== Discount cards ==
[[File:20150401_111903nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Карти за отстъпки]]
[[File:20150401_111903nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Discount Cards ]]
За да привлечете нови клиенти за Вашият бизнес, или да благодарите на тези, които вече са избрали да работят с Вас, пластмасовите карти от МаксКарт са отлично решение. Предлагаме Ви множество от опции, които да направят Вашите карти интересни, ефектни и запомнящи се. Картите могат да бъдат с баркод, магнитна лента или чип.
To attract new customers for your business or to thank those who have already chosen to work with you, the plastic cards of MaxCard are an excellent solution. We offer you many options to make your cards interesting, spectacular and memorable. Cards could be with barcode, magnetic stripe or chip.
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== Loyalty cards ==
== Loyalty cards ==
[[File:20150401_111529nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Карти за лоялни клиенти]]
[[File:20150401_111529nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Loyalty Cards ]]
Независимо от икономическият климат, задържането на клиенти е от първостепенно значение за дългосрочния успех на вашия бизнес.Клиентски карти са това, което кара клиентите да мислят за вашата компания, когато се взема решение за покупка.Пластмасовата карта е широко призната, като най-лесният и най-добрият начин да се поддържа дългосрочен клиентски ангажимент. Една програма с карти за лоялни клиенти е отлична маркетингова стратегия за поощряване на настоящи, привличане на бъдещи клиенти, както и чудесен начин за реклама на Вашият бизнес. Предоставянето на карта за лоялност е един добър знак за признателност към клиентите и в същото време дава възможност за обратна връзка с тях - лесно могат да бъдат проследени приходите и разходите направени по такава програма. При нас можете да поръчате презареждаеми карти със собствен дизайн, съвместими с почти всяка POS (Point of service) платформа, независимо дали тя е съществуваща или предстои да бъде изградена. Произведените от нас карти могат да бъдат персонализирани допълнително на всеки един картов принтер на пазара.
Notwithstanding of the economic climate the customers retention is of the first significance for the long-term success of your business. The customer`s cards are what makes the customers think about your company when a decision for purchase is taken. The plastic cards is widely acknowledged as the easiest and the best way to maintain long-term customer`s engagement. One program with loyalty cards is an excellent marketing strategy for encouraging current, attracting future customers, as well as a great way to advertise your business. The grant of loyalty card is a good sign of appreciation to customers and at the same time allows feedback from them – can easily be traced revenues and expenses incurred in such a program. At us you can order reloadable cards with own design, compatible with almost every POS (Point of service) platform, no matter if it is existing or is going to be built. The cards manufactured by us may be personalized additionally for every card printer at the market.
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== Club cards ==
== Club cards ==
[[File:20150401_111620nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Клубни карти]]
[[File:20150401_111620nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Club cards]]
За всеки клуб, сдружение или организация е важно да може да идентифицира членовете си, да може да спечели нови и да ги задържи. Един мощен инструмент за това са членските PVC карти. Една качествена пластмасова карта за членство може да помогне за увеличаване имиджа на клуба или организацията, и да се създаде дълготрайно и положително впечатление в членове на съответният клуб или организация. За максимална ефективност в издаването и ползването на Вашите членски карти, можем да Ви предложим разнообразни възможности, като: персонализиране с номера, баркодове, магнитна лента със запис на данните, безконтактен чип.
For each club, association or organisation is important to be able to identify its members, win new ones and keep them. A powerful tool for this are the PVC membership cards. A quality plastic membership card can help to raise the image of the club or organisation and create a lasting and positive impression on the members of the club or organisation. For maximum efficiency in the issuance and use of your membership cards we can offer you a variety of options, such as personlisation with numbers, barcodes, magnetic stripe data encoding, contactless chip.
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== Gift cards ==
== Gift cards ==
[[File:20150401_153520nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Подаръчни карти]]
[[File:20150401_153520nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Gift cards]]
Подаръчните карти (Gift cards) са чудесен маркетингов инструмент, който помага за популяризирането на една марка продукти, услуги или верига магазини. Вашите клиенти могат да закупят подаръчна пластмасова карта с различна стойност и да зарадват приятелите или семейството си, като им оставят възможността сами да изберат своя подарък. С помощта на  електронни карти за подарък, днес много търговци разширяват бизнеса си в Интернет.
The gift cards are a great marketing tool that helps to promote brand products, services or chain stores. Your customers may buy a plastic gift card with different value and delight their friends or family leaving them free to choose their gift. By means of electronic gift cards nowadays many traders enlarge their business in Internet. We can produce your gift cards with full-color printing and excellent quality as in large circulations as well as for minimum quantities. We can laminate them with matt or glossy surface and to customize them with numbers, barcodes, or magnetic stripe encoding depending on your needs. If you want to give them additional shine– we offer you a wide range of extras – hot stamping, spot varnish, metallic glitter silver or gold base. We can put the gift cards in special printed promotional packaging suitable for display stands. The design of the gift packaging may correspond to that of the card itself.  
Можем да произведем Вашите подаръчни карти с пълноцветен печат и отлично качество както в големи тиражи, така и за минимални количества. Можем да ги ламинираме с матова или гланцова повърхност и да ги персонализираме с номера, баркодове или запис на магнитна лента в зависимост от Вашите нужди. Ако искате да им придадете допълнителен блясък - предлагаме ви широка гама от екстри - топъл печат, частично лакиране, сребристи или златисти основи. Можем да поставим подаръчните карти в специално отпечатани промоционални опаковки, подходящи за излагане на щандове. Дизайнът на подаръчната опаковка може да съответства на този на самата карта.
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== Prepaid cards ==
== Prepaid cards ==
[[File:20150401_110842nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Предплатени карти]]
[[File:20150401_110842nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Prepaid cards ]]
Предлпатените карти са подходящо решение за спортни и СПА комплекси, развлекателни центрове. Могат да бъдат с баркод, магнитна лента или безконтактен чип.
The prepaid cards are well-suited for sports and SPA complexes, entertainment centres. They can have barcode, magnetic stripe or contactless chip.
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== VIP cards ==
== VIP cards ==
[[File:20150401_110655nb.JPG|thumb|240px|VIP карти]]
[[File:20150401_110655nb.JPG|thumb|240px|VIP cards ]]
Намират широко приложение в клубове, ресторанти, луксозни търговски вериги, както и частни клубове. Ако искате да им придадете допълнителен блясък - предлагаме ви широка гама от опции - топъл печат, частично лакиране, сребристи или златисти основи.
They are widely used in clubs, restaurants, luxury retailers and private clubs. If you want to give them extra shine - we offer you a wide range of options - hot stamping, spot varnish, silver or gold glitter metallic base.  
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== Key cards ==
== Key cards ==
[[File:20150401_111316nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Ключ карти]]
[[File:20150401_111316nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Key cards]]
Ключ картите направени от PVC са един модерен и елегантен начин за осигуряване контрола на достъпа до Вашият хотел, офис, фитнес или SPA център. Независимо дали имате нужда от 50 карти за малък семеен хотел, или Ви трябват голямо количество (500+) ключ карти за цяла верига хотели - МаксКарт ще ги изработи по всички изисквания и без никакъв компромис в качеството. Произведените от нас карти отговарят на Вашите брави и могат да бъдат кодирани така, че да са съвместими със съществуващата система за контрол на достъпа. Можем да отпечатаме Вашият дизайн на обикновени, магнитни или смарт (чип) карти, независимо от количеството.
The key cards made by PVC are modern and elegant way for providing the access control to your hotel, office, fitness or SPA center. No matter of you need 50 cards for small family hotel or you need a greater quantity (500+) key cards for whole chain of hotels – MaxCard will produce them according all requirements and without any compromise in the quality. The cards produced by us conform to your locks and may be so encoded that to be compatible with the existing access control system. We can print your design on normal, magnetic or smart (chip) cards regardless of the quantity.  
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== Service cards ==
== Guarantee and service cards ==
[[File:20150401_153352nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Гаранционни и сервизни карти]]
[[File:20150401_153352nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Guarantee and service cards]]
Успешно заместват хартиените гаранционни карти, устойчиви са на външни въздействия, компактни и съдържащи цялата необходима информация за продукта.
They successfully replace the paper guarantees, they are resistant to external influences, compact and contain all the necessary information about the product.
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== PVC business cards ==
== PVC business cards ==
[[File:20150401_154318nb.JPG|thumb|240px|PVC Визитки]]
[[File:20150401_154318nb.JPG|thumb|240px|PVC business cards]]
Едно издръжливо и луксозно решение за визитна картичка, което винаги оставя добро впечатление. Обикновено се изпълняват с дебелина от 0.5 мм., като са възможни множество специални ефекти.
A durable and luxurious solution for a business card which always leaves a good impression. Usually produces with a thickness of 0.5 mm., as are possible many special effects.  
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== ID cards and access control ==
== ID cards and access control ==
[[File:20150401_110350nb.JPG|thumb|240px|ID карти и контрол на достъп]]
[[File:20150401_110350nb.JPG|thumb|240px|ID cards and access control]]
Надеждно решение за идентификация и контрол на достъпа на персонала в големи предприятия и учреждения. Най-често се използват безконтактни смарт карти с отпечатана снимка и персонални данни.
Reliable solution for identification and personnel access control in large enterprises and institutions. The contactless smart cards with printed photo and personal data are most frequently used.
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== Promotional Cards ==
== Promotional Cards ==
[[File:20150401_153555nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Промоционални Карти]]
[[File:20150401_153555nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Promotional Cards]]
За да привлечете нови клиенти за Вашият бизнес, или да благодарите на тези, които вече са избрали да работят с Вас, пластмасовите карти от МаксКарт са отлично решение. Предлагаме Ви множество от опции, които да направят Вашите промоционални карти интересни, ефектни и запомнящи се. Тези опции включват: персонализирани номера, кодове или други текстове скрити под лесно изтриваемо покритие (scratch-off), печат с невидимо мастило, който при осветяване с UV светлина става четим (линк към специални ефекти/magic печат), топъл печат на знаци и холограмни изображения и отпечатване на множество различни лога при комбинирани промоционални кампании.
To attract new customers for your business or to thank those who have already chosen to work with you, the plastic cards of MaxCard are an excellent solution. We offer you many options to make your promotional cards interesting, spectacular and memorable. These options include: personalized numbers, codes or other texts hidden under easily scratched-off cover (scratch-off), printing with invisible ink, which at lighting with UV light becomes readable, (link to special effects/magic stamp), hot stamping of signs and hologramic images and printing many different logos at combined promotional campaigns.
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== Smart Cards ==
== Smart Cards ==
[[File:20150401_153325nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Смарт Карти]]
[[File:20150401_153325nb.JPG|thumb|240px|Smart Cards]]
Безконтактните смарт карти (наричани още чип карти) добиват все по-голяма популярност през последните години. Това се дължи на тяхната физическа издръжливост, гъвкавост и удобното им интегриране в множество разнообразни приложения. Употребата и пазара на смарт карти бележи непрекъснат растеж през последните години в световен мащаб. Те могат да съхраняват, управляват и защитават данните с висока степен на сигурност. В същото време устройствата за работа с тях са пригодени за работа във всякакви условия, защитени са от влага и студ и не се нуждаят от специална поддръжка.
The contactless smart cards (also called chip cards) become more popular in the last years. This is because of their physical durability, flexibility and their convenient integration in many various applications. The use and the market of smart cards show continuous growth in the last years worldwide. They may be stored, managed and protect the data with high degree of security. At the same time the devices for operation with them are modified for operation in any conditions, they are protected by moisture and cold and they do not need a special maintenance.  
Смарт картите, произведени от МаксКарт за наши клиенти са интегрирани в различни сектори, като: хотелски комплекси, административни учреждения, развлекателни паркове, болници, спортни центрове, спа-комплекси и много други.
The smart cards produced by MaxCard for our customers are integrated in different sectors as: hotel complexes, administrative institutions, entertainment parks, hospitals, sport centers, spa complexes and many others.
Многообразието от RFID чипове на пазара става все по-голямо, продиктувано от нарастващите изисквания на приложенията. По настоящем, можем да вграждаме в нашите карти чипове от следните видове:
The variety of RFID chips at the market becomes wider, dictated by the growing requirements of applications. Currently we may integrate in our cards chips by the following types:
- EM4200 (125 KHz Read only)
- EM4200 (125 KHz Read only)
- Hitag (125 KHz)
- Hitag (125 KHz)
- ICode SLI (13,56 MHz)
- ICode SLI (13,56 MHz)
- Mifare 1 S50 (13,56 MHz)
- Mifare 1 S50 (13,56 MHz)

Revision as of 06:40, 25 June 2015

Discount cards

Discount Cards

To attract new customers for your business or to thank those who have already chosen to work with you, the plastic cards of MaxCard are an excellent solution. We offer you many options to make your cards interesting, spectacular and memorable. Cards could be with barcode, magnetic stripe or chip.

Loyalty cards

Loyalty Cards

Notwithstanding of the economic climate the customers retention is of the first significance for the long-term success of your business. The customer`s cards are what makes the customers think about your company when a decision for purchase is taken. The plastic cards is widely acknowledged as the easiest and the best way to maintain long-term customer`s engagement. One program with loyalty cards is an excellent marketing strategy for encouraging current, attracting future customers, as well as a great way to advertise your business. The grant of loyalty card is a good sign of appreciation to customers and at the same time allows feedback from them – can easily be traced revenues and expenses incurred in such a program. At us you can order reloadable cards with own design, compatible with almost every POS (Point of service) platform, no matter if it is existing or is going to be built. The cards manufactured by us may be personalized additionally for every card printer at the market.

Club cards

Club cards

For each club, association or organisation is important to be able to identify its members, win new ones and keep them. A powerful tool for this are the PVC membership cards. A quality plastic membership card can help to raise the image of the club or organisation and create a lasting and positive impression on the members of the club or organisation. For maximum efficiency in the issuance and use of your membership cards we can offer you a variety of options, such as personlisation with numbers, barcodes, magnetic stripe data encoding, contactless chip.

Gift cards

Gift cards

The gift cards are a great marketing tool that helps to promote brand products, services or chain stores. Your customers may buy a plastic gift card with different value and delight their friends or family leaving them free to choose their gift. By means of electronic gift cards nowadays many traders enlarge their business in Internet. We can produce your gift cards with full-color printing and excellent quality as in large circulations as well as for minimum quantities. We can laminate them with matt or glossy surface and to customize them with numbers, barcodes, or magnetic stripe encoding – depending on your needs. If you want to give them additional shine– we offer you a wide range of extras – hot stamping, spot varnish, metallic glitter silver or gold base. We can put the gift cards in special printed promotional packaging suitable for display stands. The design of the gift packaging may correspond to that of the card itself.

Prepaid cards

Prepaid cards

The prepaid cards are well-suited for sports and SPA complexes, entertainment centres. They can have barcode, magnetic stripe or contactless chip.

VIP cards

VIP cards

They are widely used in clubs, restaurants, luxury retailers and private clubs. If you want to give them extra shine - we offer you a wide range of options - hot stamping, spot varnish, silver or gold glitter metallic base.

Key cards

Key cards

The key cards made by PVC are modern and elegant way for providing the access control to your hotel, office, fitness or SPA center. No matter of you need 50 cards for small family hotel or you need a greater quantity (500+) key cards for whole chain of hotels – MaxCard will produce them according all requirements and without any compromise in the quality. The cards produced by us conform to your locks and may be so encoded that to be compatible with the existing access control system. We can print your design on normal, magnetic or smart (chip) cards regardless of the quantity.

Guarantee and service cards

Guarantee and service cards

They successfully replace the paper guarantees, they are resistant to external influences, compact and contain all the necessary information about the product.

PVC business cards

PVC business cards

A durable and luxurious solution for a business card which always leaves a good impression. Usually produces with a thickness of 0.5 mm., as are possible many special effects.

ID cards and access control

ID cards and access control

Reliable solution for identification and personnel access control in large enterprises and institutions. The contactless smart cards with printed photo and personal data are most frequently used.

Promotional Cards

Promotional Cards

To attract new customers for your business or to thank those who have already chosen to work with you, the plastic cards of MaxCard are an excellent solution. We offer you many options to make your promotional cards interesting, spectacular and memorable. These options include: personalized numbers, codes or other texts hidden under easily scratched-off cover (scratch-off), printing with invisible ink, which at lighting with UV light becomes readable, (link to special effects/magic stamp), hot stamping of signs and hologramic images and printing many different logos at combined promotional campaigns.

Smart Cards

Smart Cards

The contactless smart cards (also called chip cards) become more popular in the last years. This is because of their physical durability, flexibility and their convenient integration in many various applications. The use and the market of smart cards show continuous growth in the last years worldwide. They may be stored, managed and protect the data with high degree of security. At the same time the devices for operation with them are modified for operation in any conditions, they are protected by moisture and cold and they do not need a special maintenance. The smart cards produced by MaxCard for our customers are integrated in different sectors as: hotel complexes, administrative institutions, entertainment parks, hospitals, sport centers, spa complexes and many others.

The variety of RFID chips at the market becomes wider, dictated by the growing requirements of applications. Currently we may integrate in our cards chips by the following types: - EM4200 (125 KHz Read only) - Hitag (125 KHz) - ICode SLI (13,56 MHz) - Mifare 1 S50 (13,56 MHz)